Saturday, December 13, 2008
10 Easy Tips to Consider in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

- Keyword being the weapon of your success in SEO, use those keywords that are directly related or targeted to your business theme.
- Take care not to over crowd your site’s content with keywords and use keywords throughout the content rather than concentrating it at the beginning or at the end.
- Back-link or inbound link is important, so build links with potential partners that can generate profit to your site.
- Choose good title and Meta tags- Good title makes good move on page optimization, and suitable, targeted, theme based, precise keywords and phrases in Meta tags help spiders find your web pages more easily.
- Design your site that clearly represent your business and make an easy navigation based on your keyword research.
- Make web pages that are easy to load. Don’t make pages with large images, if images are necessary; make a thumbnail of it and link it with full image page so that you can add more pages and text in it which spiders love to crawl.
- Make your web pages content rich with keywords and phrases that hit your business. Add more contents that give precise information about your services and products.
- Offer something unique than general contents i.e. add more articles at least one per month and update your contents regularly and add new resources.
- Add more content to your website but never make it duplicate by copying other’s work. Duplicate content is easily detected by search engine and make your website unqualified for ranking and kicked it off completely from search engine.
- Take advice of trusted advisor or Search Engine Optimization Company for site optimization and marketing your website rather being duped by false promise maker.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
New Tools And Tips In Search Engine Optimizations( SEO )

Here are Some Tips and Tools on Search Engine optimization:--
SEO is a very specialized and a huge topic to be fully covered in such a small article but still few tips about SEO are given below , categorized in four categories
- Content Quality.
- Web site Structure.
- HTML Guidelines.
- Search-friendly URLs.
- Off Page Submissions like blogs and Forums submissions, Press release submissions, Article submissions, Directory submissions etc.
- Social bookmarkings and Link Buildings.
- Meta tags ie. Title, Keywords and Description Optimization.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Seo Freelance India
From technical point we will do more AJAX and RSS (ads and images) optimization, besides everlasting optimization of CSS/XHTML for always green browsers. At last we will meet optimization for Mobiles, or at least for mobile sites.
From SEO guru's point of view in everyday Search Engine Optimization practice SEO Freelancer will meet next:1. Booth of SEMANTIC SEARCH ENGINES.
That means more attention to Knols by Google, Hakia, Powerset, Twine, Freebase, AdaptiveBlue, Snap, and others.
2. Mobile videoconferencing boost.
Mobile video optimization? 3. Internet currencies warm up.
That's simply fine.
4. In order to stay competitive, brands will try to understand, identify, and respond to their users_ specific needs by employing social media tools and user-generated content (UGC).
More attention to USG sites.
5. The political activism in the blogosphere will become truly active. Is your client a politician?
6. Intimacy and usefulness will be valued more, forming affinity groups and niches.
More attention to affinity groups.
7. The companies that will not use social media tools to make the voice of their customers heard will lose in front of competition.
Achtung! Watch social media tools!
8. Personal interest will reshape the web surfing patterns, reducing the frequency of site-to-site hopping conduit, dominant so far.
Will see.
9. More mature population will join to social networks.
Can you enlarge font-size?
10. The major corporations will replace the outdated intranet systems and will build better communication with employees by making use of social media on customizable, scalable and feature-rich platforms.
SEO for intranet?
11. Mobile social media (MSM) will become a bigger player on the market, following ever growing demands.
MSM Optimization?
12. OpenID and companies like ClaimID will have a much stronger impact.
Watch your reputation!
Tags to watch:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Online Reputation Management (ORM), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), Social Media Optimization (SMO), Social Bookmarking Statistics (SBS), User-Generated Content (UGC)
There are other top 2008 trends for Koreans: Korean SEO freelance services have to watch next tags, which will be ours in 2010 ;)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Internet-Protocol TV (IPTV), Mobile Internet or Mobile WiMax (WiBro), Organic Light-Emitting Diode TV (OLED TV), Transport Protocol Expert Group Navigation, TPEG Navigation
Why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ?
2] It has been found that Search engine optimization (Seo) has a much better return on investment (ROI) as compared to pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, banner advertisements, video Advertisement and others.
3] Search engine optimization (Seo) has a long-term effect that is it will usually drive traffic to a site for atleast a year.
4] Its is much cheaper than normal PPC campaign.
5] Web searchers know that the site didn't buy their way in. That mean some searchers skip over sponsored listings mean sponsor searches and only pay attention to organic results.
6] Search engine optimization (Seo) helps a site achieve global broad coverage. A well search engine optimized site is likely to be found by every search engine worldwide and you may get traffic from search engines you've never heard of and you would have never imagined.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Freelance Seo Services
We have a dedicated team of expert SEO professionals to serve you. We build the natural quality and theme based links as one-way or reciprocals links with our manual process. Along with that we do a lot of Off page stuffs to bring excellent ranking in Search Engines like:-
Directory Submissions
Article Submissions
Press Release Submissions
Blog/Forum Submissions
Content Writing etc.